Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine Issue II, 2017 | Page 83

THERE’S GOOD, CLEAN MONEY IN LAUNDERING Major Markets Available for Development 2.29 Business is booming. The time to get in is now! Disruptor 52 stores open and under construction with over 275 on the way. ANY GARMENT DRY CLEANED $ Pricing model makes us a Market Visit or call 877-321-9477. ZIPS Franchising LLC, 7474 Greenway Center Drive, Suite 1200, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Ad_half_7.375_4.625_template.indd 1 12/21/16 11:20 AM Build a Better Future You have what it takes to be successful, and Big O Tires has the industry-leading knowledge and resources to help get you there. Enjoy the freedom of operating your business independently while leveraging the support, resources and established brand recognition of a multi- billion dollar network. • More than 50 years of experience in the automotive service industry • Proven business expertise and strategy designed to exceed customer needs • Premium buying power of hundreds of locations !"#$%&'()*+#$),)-+%'.)$%-.+%/.-$+#+0+)%&-%.11)*%.1%&%1*&-/"#$)2%3%1*&-/"#$)% RIIHULQJFDQEHPDGHE\XVRQO\LQDVWDWHLIZHDUH´UVWUHJLVWHUHGH[FOXGHG H[HPSWHGRURWKHUZLVHTXDOL´HGWRRIIHUIUDQFKLVHVLQWKDWVWDWHDQGRQO\LIZH SURYLGH\RXZLWKDQDSSURSULDWHIUDQFKLVHGLVFORVXUHGRFXPHQW%LJ27LUHV­ )UDQFKLVHVDUHQRWDYDLODEOHLQDOOVWDWHV‹%LJ27LUHV//&7%& :D\3DOP%HDFK*DUGHQV)/ 844-876-BIGO (2446)