Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine Issue I, 2014 | Page 48

MEGA PERSONAL First job: Dishwasher at Beef & Burgundy Restaurant. I was paid in cash because I was too young to legally work. I would walk home after work at 1:00 a.m. I can’t believe my parents let me do that. Formative influences/events: My father always worked for himself and has excellent business acumen. He taught me how to negotiate, how to manage, and how to take chances while controlling risk. My mother taught me about integrity, honesty, and tolerance. construction, and real estate matters. I like to do store visits whenever I can. Favorite fun activities: Traveling, hiking, scuba diving, photography, skiing, and watersports. Exercise/workout: I work out regularly at the gym and enjoy a variety of sports including running, cycling, tennis, and racquetball. Favorite tech toys: Anything that T-Mobile carries. Key accomplishments: Raising two great kids. What are you reading? My girlfriend’s novel. Biggest mistake: I kept my original general manager a little longer than I should have. I accepted mediocrity and problems longer than I should have. When she did leave it really rejuvenated the company and gave a fresh start to everything. It was a better place for all of us to work.