MUHC Launch Magazine 2014 | Page 52

Transformation g  JA : À titre de centre universitaire de san- gg JA: Can you explain the “good” that this project will bring? té, quelles sont, selon vous, les priorités du NR: It is changing two elements that are fundamental in the way we deliver care to patients: CUSM ? the patient experience itself, which has evolved and will improve many fold with this major NR : Notre mission a pour but de fournir des investment and opportunity to transform our system, and secondly, the staff who are working soins de santé complexes ultraspécialisés, in the healthcare system that will benefit from new working conditions, innovative equipment de la naissance à l’âge d’or, incluant par les and a physical milieu that will be much better suited to deliver quality care of the 21 st century. soins palliatifs. En plus de fournir des soins de qualité exceptionnelle, nous sommes respon- JA: Compared to 100 years ago how big would you say the change has been in health care? sables de l’innovation et de la recherche visant NR: The change is major—it impacts the individual and how the healthcare team is capable of à améliorer l’expérience du patient. Nous de- meeting the expectations of the patient, to the organization as a whole, and finally to the health vons également nous investir dans le transfert network system surrounding the organization. It is redefining care at every level which is the de connaissances au profit des hôpitaux et des reason it is so challenging. The transformation in health care touches the full spectrum of the patients communautaires et dans le partage network and revolutionizes the delivery of care. d’innovations visant à améliorer l’ensemble We are currently working with a way of delivering care that was conceptualized according du système de soins de santé. to facilities that were designed 50 to 100 years ago. It is really great that our new facility is pro- Une autre des priorités du CUSM est l’éva- viding us with the opportunity to reflect, modify, and modernize care delivery for the benefit luation de la technologie. On pourrait dire qu’aujourd’hui, la technologie en méde- cine évolue généralement tous les deux ans. La vitesse à laquelle elle se renouvèle est sans précédent, c’est pourquoi nous devons constamment évaluer son impact. La société n’a pas le financement requis pour être en mesure de suivre l’évolution de la technologie. Donc, à titre de centre universitaire de santé En plus de fournir des soins de qualité exceptionnelle, nous sommes responsables de l’innovation et de la recherche visant à améliorer l’expérience du patient. moderne, une de nos activités essentielles est d’évaluer la pertinence de l’acte médical. Par exemple, est-il pertinent d’ordonner plusieurs tests pour confirmer un diagnostic ou est-il suffisant d’effectuer un seul test considérant l’avancement et la précision de l’équipement médical disponible aujourd’hui ? Déterminer la pertinence d’un acte médical est absolu- In addition to providing quality patient care, we have the responsibility to bring more innovation and research in order to improve the system for the patient. for now and into the future. JA: As an academic complex healthcare system what do you see as the priorities of the MUHC? NR: Our mission is to provide ultra-specialized and complex care from birth to the elderly including pal- liative care. In addition to providing quality patient care, we have the responsibility to bring more innova- tion and research in order to improve the system for the patient. We also have the responsibility to engage in knowledge transfer to benefit community hospi- tals and patients and to share innovations that would benefit the entire healthcare system. Another priority is to evaluate technology—today I would say that technology in medicine generally evolves every second year. The pace of change is un- precedented, and as a result, we are constantly assess- ment crucial étant donné l’évolution de la dis- cipline médicale. of our patients, their families, and healthcare workers, ing the impact of new technology. Society does not have sufficient funding to afford everything that one would ideally like to have. Therefore, as a modern academic health centre, one of the JA : Pourquoi est-il préférable de prodiguer most important functions is evaluating the pertinence of the medical act. For example, is it des soins de santé au sein d’un réseau, plutôt pertinent to order numerous tests to confirm a diagnosis or is one test sufficient considering the que de se fier uniquement à la formule gui- advancement and precision of equipment in today’s day and age? Assessment of whether the chet unique ? act is pertinent is crucial given the evolution of medicine. NR : Lorsque j’ai entamé ma carrière, les hôpi- taux fonctionnaient comme des cellules auto- JA: Why is it better to provide health care within a network rather than rely on just a one- nomes. L’hôpital était muni de tous les outils stop-shop? nécessaires pour traiter un patient. Le principe NR: When I started my career, hospitals functioned as self-sustaining systems. A hospital had de soins visait à traiter les besoins généraux everything you could possibly want to treat a patient. The principle was based on caring for the du patient d’abord et les besoins plus spécia- patient from his general needs to more specialized needs. The growing demands for healthcare lisés par la suite. La demande grandissante, services, the evolving medical technology, specific and limited medical expertise, and fund- la technologie médicale en perpétuelle évo- ing constraints are all factors that allow us to understand that today we need to have a net- lution, l’expertise médicale spécifique et work that works together to optimize care delivery . Research has also evolved and we can learn limitée et les contraintes de financementg from our colleagues. The system is now starting to define itself by designating specific gg 52 SITE GLEN SITE 2014-2015