MudRunFun Magazine Oct. 2013 | Page 43

all of us and to truly see humanity at its finest, we will be left alone on a course and everyone will cross must take ourselves to the most primal of places the finish line. that we can, within reason. By intentionally placing ourselves in ‘survival’ mode, then and only then can the true humanity in all of us come through. To know what I’m talking about, you must experience one of these events on your own but, in short, it’s something like this; When you crawl out of the mud or come up a 1/2 mile, 45 degree hill through the woods on your own and suddenly you are faced with a 10 foot smooth wall covered in slimy mud and no way climb it but you MUST go over it, you MUST look to your left and to your right because at that moment, no matter how big and bad you are, everyone around you just became your best friend and teammate and you inherently feel compelled to return the favor. Through these crazy events I have been introduced to and welcomed into so many amazing groups that become your family. Groups like Team MudRunFun, the Cornfed Spartans, Midwest Vikings and Team Ninja to name a few and all of these groups have a common theme. Nobody This is why Crazy Mudder Muckers was created. To give people a ‘family’ of sorts to turn to for the support, help and camaraderie they need and want, and to bring people together so that nobody has to go to one of these events alone. It has grown into more than I ever expected and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the group. Our theme is ‘One Team … Many Goals’. We have people from all ends of the fitness spectrum. From beginners to advanced competitors and when we show up to an event, there will always be someone to run with. People that will help drive you harder and faster to the finish line if that’s what you want or people that will just run alongside, enjoy your company and help you over the next wall. We hope you can join us at an event soon. Kevin Jones 40