MSEJ May 2018 | Seite 31

A Taste of Mission Transition

If you are still in the military, “transition” may feel like a term with more than a little mystery attached to it. If you’re mid-way through your transition, you know by now that it’s more than just getting a new career and an address. Instead, it requires:

1. Maximizing the career you just left

2. Understanding your benefits

3. Stretching your pension

4. Transferring your skills

In Mission Transition, Janet Farley will ask you to define what “retirement” means to you, will give you a list of things to think about if you have more time and can choose the Blended Retirement System, and will encourage you more than once to think about these financial matters when it comes to your second career and a civilian retirement.

Farley guides you through this “Space in Between Worlds” (also known as chapter three), while preparing you to move forward. As each chapter builds, she asks you to consider what it will mean to work through employment challenges in the present and once you’ve reached your new normal. She includes federal and corporate resume examples, a look at fast-growing occupations, a long list of interview questions to study, and forty-four strategies for success in your first 100 days on the job.

As if this treasure trove of information weren’t enough, Farley also leaves you with online resources at your disposal that go well beyond the book. I won’t go so far as to say that if it’s not in this book you won’t need it for your transition journey. However, I can say with confidence that this field guide is an in-depth resource and a valuable asset.

Words to Transition By: “Clarify Your Initial Job Search Expectations. In other words, do the necessary work inside your head before you start anything. You want to be able to clearly identify at the outset what matters the most to you in your job search. If you don't take the time to do this first and feel confident about it, then you could eventually lose your way." ~ from Chapter 4, Job Hunting 101

To make your mission possible, put Mission Transition on your must-read list!