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ANTERIOR IMPLANT RESTORATIONS – CHALLENGE AND COMPROMISE. A CASE REPORT Figure 2. CM (male, 50): a) 1.1. custom abutment; b) 42 & 32 angled abutments; c, d) finished lab work on master casts; e) clinical aspect of anterior restorations at delivery Figure 3. CM (male, 50): a) implant platforms positioning in respect to expected arch anatomy – predicted outlines of lower incisors (green); curvature of buccal aspects of lower incisors to conform to arch anatomy (blue); curvature of initial restorative platform at implant level (red); projections of implant platforms in the embrasures (yellow); b, c) wax-up 32 to 42 following anatomic principles only; d) proposed emergence profile design of implant/abutment supported retainer in “modified ridge lap” to provide esthetics and lip support; e) last provisional fabricated according the final wax-up; f) final restoration on master cast. what he believed the problem would be. Mr. CM first language is not English, my first language is not English and our first language is not the same, so STOMA.EDUJ (2014) 1 (2) we could expect some difficulty in communication. Therfore, at some point Mr. CM brought a dental technician friend of his (who could also speak Mr. 133