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GERODONTOLOGY Table 1. Survey answer count and results of analysis Table 1 - Survey answer count and results of analysis Survey queson Descripve Stascs Pearson Chi-Square >10 teeth <=10 teeth Asymp. Sig. N pos. response N pos. response Value df (2-sided) Survey answer How oen do you see a denst? twice a year or more only when absolutely necessary, almost never 7.156 1 0.007 36 11 10.023 1 0.002 19 37 24 7.760 1 0.005 51 19 35 6 4.072 1 0.044 54 6 37 15 10.712 1 0.001 54 54 6 25 37 37 11 5.010 1 20.445 1 1 0.025 0.000 use daily, one or more glasses 45 9 36 1 4.377 1 0.036 brush and floss twice a day 54 23 33 4 8.886 1 0.003 Have you ever gone for five years or more without seeing a denst? Yes 53 25 36 53 3 54 7 Describe your employment I am employed full me and have been for most of my life Describe any habits that you may have smoke cigarees have used methamphetamines or cocaine grind my teeth at night Describe your alcohol use Describe your home care habits Table 2. Descriptive statistics and analysis Table 2 – Descripve stascs and analysis USA born Survey queson My teeth are ________ to me. pos. response Non-USA born pos. N response Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Survey answer N - essenal - somewhat important 82 55 23 10 4.240 1 .039 80 2 20 3 4.454 1 .035 “Age” and “Income in the 1970’s.” All other variables were nominal, so the chi-square test provided analysis of group differences. To avoid the possibility of age differences between groups confounding the results, survey results from patients under 45 years old were eliminated from the analysis. Subsequently performed chi-squared analysis showed age to be statistically similar between groups. More patients in the <=10 group currently smoke and have a history of cocaine or methamphetamine use. This group was also significantly more likely to have gone 5 or more years without going to a dentist and to say that they only went to the dentist “when absolutely necessary, almost never” (Table 1). Patients in the >10 group indicated more often that they had been employed full time for most of their lives. Brushing and Flossing twice per day was more common within this group, as well as self-reported bruxism. They were more likely to indicate that they go to the dentist “twice a year or more” and consume alcohol daily. 126 Pearson Chi-Square Descripve Stascs In addition to comparing groups based upon their level of edentulism, the survey responses from patients born in the United States were compared to those from patients born outside the United States. Statistical analysis was done on each of the survey variables as described previously. Both groups were equally likely to choose “very important” to describe how they feel about their teeth. Patients born within the United States more often stated that their teeth are “essential” to them. Collectively, patients born in other countries were more likely to choose the “somewhat important” option (Table 2). The next analysis focused on the differences between people born in California and outside California. The data show that patients born outside of California were significantly more likely to say they “rarely, if ever” use alcohol. In addition, this group was more likely to indicate they go to the dentist once per year than the California. STOMA.EDUJ (2014) 1 (2)