VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 2.3 March 2014 | Page 16

Love Is A Verb By Moze Simanjuntak Love is a cliché that will never fade. It is the theme of life everywhere we go, from the barren Sahara into the majestic Himalayas and bustling metropolises; from low budget Disney movies to Hollywood masterpieces, from childhood crushes to tragic romance. Love is best known for compelling us to do the impossible and the unthinkable. Yet love is remembered as a mere noun. Love needs to be redefined into a verb because that’s how most of us recognize it - through action. We would have never known how deeply Romeo loved Juliet if he hadn’t committed suicide when he saw her still body. We would have never known the measure of affection Mario felt for Princess Peach if he ceased his search when told “your princess is in another castle!” For Christians, we would have never known how great God’s love is for us if he had never given His son, His only Son, as described by the famous John 3: 16 - “For God so loved the word that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Love is a verb. To love someone is to show actions for them through compliments and assistance, generosity and sympathy. Show your love to the people you care about, not just through words, but through actions. When I meditated on this, I realized there are things I could have done to show people I appreciate them. I missed golden opportunities out of ignorance, and I’m not planning on making the same mistakes again. So think about the people you love- love is not only applied romantically. There are many kinds of love - for families, for your friends, even for your pets. One important thing to remember when expressing love is that everybody has his or her own love language. There are five primary languages; Words of Affirmation (through giving compliments), Quality Time (spending time together by doing things that you both enjoy, such as sports or games), Giving Gifts (how about a PS4 or a spa day?), Acts of Service (open doors for others who like doing dishes) and Physical Touch (give hugs and handshakes). Expressing your love through the person’s love language is one of the best things you could do. What are you doing, still reading this article? Go spread some love! “Love is a verb. Without doing, love is merely a word.” Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this page do not, in any way, represent the school’s opinion. These are owned and freely expressed by the individuals per se. 15