VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 2.3 March 2014 | Page 12

The Five L ove Languages By Ha Sung Kang A survey consisted of 73 MICS students was Mountainview High School Love Language Survey conducted from 9th to 12th grade about their primary love languages. Just as everybody has their own unique personalities, individuals give and receive love in different ways. There are five distinct love languages as proposed by Dr. Gary Chapman. To develop healthier relationships and to avoid misunderstandings, it is important to understand the different kinds of love languages. So let’s explore each of the love languages with some insight from the seniors! PHYSICAL TOUCH (KARTINI LEDERMANN) People whose primary language is Physical Touch receive love through physical contacts—hugs, kisses, holding hands, high-fives, and other thoughtful touches to display excitement, warmth, care, and concern for others. They feel loved when they are shown constant physical affection. “My love language is PHYSICAL TOUCH. I don’t know how many times a day I have to stroke Pia’s face. It just calms me down, and it reminds me that I have a friend who is willing to put up with me. I welcome hearty handshakes and hugs (even awkward ones), but I am uncomfortable with hand-holding. I try to stay away from other people’s hands as much as possible.” QUALITY TIME (VINCENT HALIM) In Quality Time, love is equivalent to a full, undivided attention. Spending uninterrupted time talking or doing activities together makes them feel truly special and loved. Time becomes a strong communicator of love, and deeper connections are strengthened through the sharing of time. “Growing up, my father always reminded me that not everything in life is about myself. But oftentimes, I would get so caught up by my busyness and selfish desires that I forget to spend time with my loved ones. So while you still have the opportunity, spend your time meaningfully with your family and friends to show that you care about them, and create many memories that will be cherished in the future. Carpe Diem!” 11