Mount Carmel Health Partners Clinical Guidelines Hypertension | Page 3

Follow-up and Monitoring A plan of ongoing care and treatment assessment once BP targets are achieved should take place every 6 months or less depending on classifica on and pa ent comorbidi es. Reinforce the need for lifestyle modifica on as needed. • Weight reduc on: maintain normal body weight (BMI 18.5-25 kg/m²) • Nutri on: suggest Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) ea ng plan with daily intake of 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy products, diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, high potassium intake of 4.7g for those pa ents with no impaired potassium excre on. • Dietary sodium: Reduc on to less than 2.3 g sodium per day. • Exercise: recommend regular aerobic ac vity such as brisk walking (30-35 minutes per day or most days) adapted according to pa ent’s physical capacity • Counseling: • limit alcohol consump on • limit caffeine consump on • smoking cessa on and stress impact smoking has on hypertension • reduce stressors • Perform an assessment of risk factors for cardiovascular disease every 12 months or more frequently as needed: • • • • • • • • • • family history of hypertension family history of premature CVD dyslipidemia diabetes mellitus obesity (BMI >30) age microalbuminuria (GMR <60mL/min) smoking physical inac vity other factors: PCOS (polycys c ovarian syndrome), HELLP Syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count), preeclampsia • For the rapidly growing popula on of hypertensive individuals over age 65 years with isolated systolic hypertension (e.g. a diastolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg), cau on is needed not to reduce the diastolic blood pressure too aggressively (to below 55 to 60 mm Hg), since such low diastolic pressures have been associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular event. • American Geriatrics Society BEERS Criteria recommenda on to avoid alpha1 blockers in the elderly. Alpha1 blockers for rou ne treatment of hypertension is considered poten ally inappropriate due to high risk for orthosta c hypotension. Frequency Monthly visits Every 3-6 months More frequent visits Every 5-12 months Criteria Un l blood pressure goal is reached When blood pressure is at goal and stable Comorbid condi on and the need for regular labs Labs--serum potassium and crea nine Hypertension - 3