Motorcycle Explorer September 2016 Issue 13 | Page 92

This calendar has two flat upright monoliths in the centre of the circle (which is believed to have originally been engraved). As the sun sets, the one stone casts a shadow onto the back stone. Soon afterwards, they went digital. The large stones are all dolerite that weighs around 5 tons each. These boulders had to be moved to their current position, from a site around 5km away. The escarpment consists of in-situ Black Reef Quartzite. I know… the geologist in me is having a field day!!! What I’m trying to explain is that the calendar markers are not from the same klip as the escarpment. There are quite a few other boulders that align with cardinal points on the horizon. The three elongated stone obelises on the Eastern edge might mark the three bright stars of Orion’s belt? One of the stones was half buried under soil and after clearing the area it was found that the stone was carved in the form of a bird. Known by archaeologist from investigating other ruins like the pyramids of Giza and the Great Zimbabwe ruins as a Horus stone.