Motorcycle Explorer November 2016 Issue 14 | Page 122

Travel Story: katie jennings Acceptance Despite the positive experiences, I felt I’d let myself down as I was aware that our negative experiences overshadowed the positive ones. One question kept nagging at me: “what are we doing wrong?” So many people we know told us how wonderful Romania was, how much they’d enjoyed it. Had they tried harder than me? How had we had such a different experience of it? Was I at fault, was I to blame? It niggled and nagged relentlessly. Until, that is I could get some distance, perspective and reengage with the plus points. Now I understand a little better. better and staying connected with the positives as time goes by. Romania provided part of the learning curve and stamped the lesson in a little further. Hard times are just a part of the wave of life. I can’t prevent them. All I can do is try to meet and accept them without blaming myself or others inappropriately. Vulnerable, unplanned, out-of-your-comfort-zone travel helps with this. As one commenter with a lot of this kind of travel experience said: “sometimes, we just have a bad time and that’s OK”. Still, being the worker I am, I can’t help but feel I am I no longer blame myself for the bad experience we missing out on something. I feel that I stand on one side of an invisible wall that is no less impenetrable had. I don’t think we did anything wrong. It was what it was, I don’t think anyone was to blame. I was for its invisibility. A stranger on the outside, trying in vain to catch a glimpse of inside. Would I go back to angry at the careless driving that endangered me but that’s natural. My anger was justified. However, I Romania? I think so, one day. I would do things a let it colour my experiences more than I would have little differently next time to try and see the best of the country. Maybe on a different bike, or by liked and I regret that a little. The cultural different roads. Almost certainly with different differences and small problems that would usually expectations and a different attitude. I think I would wash over me hit harder because of that. I’m glad I like to try and experience it in another time, as the got this insight as I think it’ll help further down the different person I’ll be then. One day. road. I hope by facing these challenges I develop more ease with them, throwing them off a little