Motorcycle Explorer November 2016 Issue 14 | Page 121

Exploring the town, we confirmed our previous impressions of an indifference to strangers that was very detectable to us. But as time progressed and we unwound from the tautness we’d developed our experience changed slightly. We began to crack the tough exterior to find a warmth beneath. The extra time we spent gave us room to allow understanding of our differences to develop and create some positive experiences. On the day we left we experienced the best morning of our visit, having several conversations with locals as we packed up the bikes. We were in a better, more approachable frame of mind and I suspect our heavily-packed, foreign-plated bikes parked at the roadside for two days had roused some curiosity among the locals too. The most notable interaction was with a lovely, toothless and sun-wrinkled old man with a smile as warm as summer, a twinkling eye and expressive face. He told us of his bike, of his visits to England and held my hand to his heart joking with Mickey in appreciation of the fact that I rode. Amazing what a few words and some heartfelt gestures can communicate. We hit the Bulgarian border feeling that our experience had turned. Again the border guards went out of their way to help us, changing money and finding us shade to wait in. As we crossed the Danube we took pictures for a holiday-making family, chatting to them and our other fellow passengers, a lorry driver who gifted us a drink to take with us.