Motorcycle Explorer May 2016 Issue 11 | Page 99

“Part of what matters is using our skills to give something back to the places we travel through” says Katie who is affiliated with the Muskoka Foundation, the hub that aims to connect skilled independent travellers with projects to “do good as you go”. “There are so many great projects out there working to improve education and lives and I’m looking forward to learning more about them and helping out where possible to give something back”. She’s also a Jupiter’s Traveller affiliated to the Ted Simon Foundation, which means she hopes to bring a measure of understanding and tolerance of different cultures and people through her writing. “We are all just people, irrespective of our many differences. We are made of the same stuff, facing similar challenges and working towards the same goal of a healthy, happy and safe life. I hope I can add my voice to those already working to communicate that message.” Although idealistic in their outlook and motivations for travelling, the couple are pragmatic and realistic about the challenges of life on the road. “We know there’ll be tough days” says Mickey, “we’re not kidding ourselves that it’s going to be wonderful every minute of every day, it’ll be life as usual in that respect. But the way we look at it, you need the rough to appreciate the smooth so we’ll take everything in our stride. We communicate well and support each other, we’re a strong team so we’re both confident that we can handle it.” Katie adds, laughingly “If not, and we’re seriously unhappy we’ll have no problem turning round, coming home and admitting we made a mistake. But we don’t think it will come to that”.