Motorcycle Explorer May 2016 Issue 11 | Page 101


I ' m not what I ' d call a natural adventurer , and I ’ m a bit apprehensive about the practicalities of a life on the road . A friend once told me that I am interested in everything and she wasn ' t wrong . I love figuring out what the bigger picture is and I can see my curiosity at play throughout all of my life . It sent me into science and later neuroscience , and kept me in academia long after my formal education had finished and it ' s what is pushing me to travel now . What I like most about knowledge is putting it to use and applying it to problem-solving . I always want to be learning and growing ; so long as my mind is active and engaged then I ' ll be happy and moving forward . I have a growing awareness of the world outside my own boundaries and the imperfections in it . I have a growing suspicion that I might be able to do a little to make it a better place but I don ' t yet know how . I need to understand where I fit into it all and travel will allow me to meet people and see places to give me a big picture view of the world .