Motorcycle Explorer July 2016 Issue 12 | Page 170

Tour Direct Welcome to the MEM Tour Directory So for your touring pleasure we have the MEM Tour Directory. The following adverts are from established tour operators from around the world looking Happy trails! Liane x to take you on the ride of a lifetime. While it would be fantastic to drop the job, sell the If you would like to promote your tour house and set off into the great blue yonder for many of us this just isn’t possible... at the company with MEM then please contact Liane for details. moment. We understand that and we understand that for perhaps 2 weeks or more we get to live our dream. We like that! We like people getting out and seeing things and if you want a guide and a hotel then we see nothing wrong in that either. Not everyone wants to sleep in a ditch and drink coffee strained from an old sock and nor should they. [email protected]