Motorcycle Explorer April 2015 Issue 5 | Page 79

MES I LAND ON MY FEET. IMES FLAT ON MY FACE! d sometimes ecoming savvy a VW combi dub itations are n a ere I am still oking for get wider as o the days oint on the this isn’t high esidents ever wns on my ake out a dden until 6am. A good nights free sleep, followed by a dawn rush into the new day, it’s how I've always travelled. I can do Wi-Fi, I can face the cyber world, I even embrace certain aspects of it, but to have the invites dictate my itinerary seems to take chance out of the trip. From couch surfing, to trusted house sitting, the various sites based on your chosen mode of transport, style of travel and type of follower, surely makes a journey as preconceived as a cruise ships docking schedule. I ride sometimes long hours, sometimes short days, I stop based on the vibe of the town, the sights, the view, noise and smells, and equally anyone of those things has me riding past a point I thought was my days destination, and both are right. Serendipity happens but there has to be an element of