Motorcycle Explorer April 2015 Issue 5 | Page 78

SOMETIM SOMETIM I search for hotels, camp spots, and guesthouses. Sometimes I fall on my feet, flat on my face. But the one thing that is be more and more obvious to me is how the s traveller utilizes the internet. A couple in a vans have stayed at the grace of fellow V d followers across Central America. The invi endless and the travel effortless, based on publicised trip in a popular vehicle. And he reading the signs, asking the locals and loo direction with streetwise eyes. Eyes that g the desperation of darkness gets closer to riding deadline. On the plus side, at this po planet the nights are as long as the days, t summer in Alaska where the sun nor the re sleep. If all else fails and the sun goes dow hopes of accommodation, by 7pm I can sta patch in the darkness that will keep me hi