Motorcycle Explorer April 2015 Issue 5 | Page 118

Treating altitude sickness

If you have symptoms of mild altitude sickness , you should not go any higher for at least 24 to 48 hours .
Most cases will improve during this time , but it may help if you :

Do not exercise Drink plenty of fluid ( but not alcohol ) Do not smoke Rest until you feel better Do not keep riding your bike !

Make sure you tell the people you are travelling with how you feel , even if your symptoms are mild . This will help them be more aware of signs of severe sickness , such as irrational behaviour , if you develop them .

Descending to a lower altitude

If you have mild symptoms of altitude sickness that do not go away over 24 to 48 hours , the best thing to do is descend by at least 500m ( about 1,600 feet ).
Do not attempt to climb again until your symptoms have completely disappeared . After two to three days , your body will have acclimatised and your symptoms should disappear . If you have severe symptoms or your symptoms are getting worse , descend immediately by as much as possible . This is because severe altitude sickness can be fatal if not treated quickly . Once you reach a low altitude , you should seek medical help immediately .

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