Motivation-Enhancing Educational Apps | Page 7

The question was' How can we implement NEW and OLD teaching techniques in our classroom at the same time?

The project strategies revolved around precise methodological points:

on resolving real-life cases through group analysis, brainstorming, innovation and creative ideas around the curiosity of students, analytical skills and creativity visiting enterprises or working in lab experiences.

The "Self-learning" using challenges, booklets,etc which allows students the freedom to expand and develop ideas

A Design-Thinking. Boosting creativity with workshops, or working with NGOs.

Incorporating computer tools, social media because it's used to encourage engagement, participation and a sense of fun into the classroom


One of our goals in the Project was to help teachers to see and understand better learning through the eyes of their students.

When a teacher begins a new project one of the most important things is to explain the purpose and learning goals, and provide explicit criteria on how students can be successful. .

Before. Students reflecting on the environment throughout the first meeting in Córdoba (Spain)

After. Romanian Students reflecting on the environment throughout the last meeting in Vittoria (Italy) with PADLET.