Motivation-Enhancing Educational Apps | Page 19



The easiest form of message board to date! A technological corkboard where you can work on!

Padlet is a collaboration based website. This website is designed to allow people to work together on any project and have instant updates as you work.

The description itself is “The paper of the internet." It gives you a blank wall. You can put anything you want on it, anywhere! Simple, yet powerful.”

It’s an online community poster board. You no longer need to work with people in person or waste time waiting for email responses when planning.

Padlet is a growing technology that is entirely linked in with social media and is expanding its base daily. Teachers across the country are loving Padlet and incorporating it into their classrooms.

How to use Padlet in

a classroom?

It can be used in tandem with the smart board and you can have students come to the board, tap the screen and fill in information like a KWL chart.