MOST Magazine Fitness JUN'15 ISSUE NO.2 | Page 150

Photographer: Aneese Photography By: Yoga Instructor Crystal Milana ere in the Western part of the world, we are introduced to yoga first through the asana practice (postures). In reality though, there is a part of yoga that is much deeper and is actually the foundation to all of the yoga practices. The Yamas, & Niyamas, yoga’s ethical disciplines, teach us and give us a clear direction for how to live a joyful life. Yamas is a Sanskrit word that translates into restraints and there are five: ahimsa (nonviolence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (non-excess) 150 || FITNESS M A G A Z I N E || JUNE 2015 || EDITION 1 and aparigraha (non-possessiveness). These are guidelines for how we should interact with ourselves and with the world around us. Then there are five Niyamas, or “observances”, that allow us to explore within ourselves brining us into a deeper awareness of how we are living. There is saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (discipline), svadhyaya (self-study) and pranidhana (devotion). These ten guidelines are part of the eight limbs of yoga written by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali does not tell us that we >>>