MOST Magazine Fitness APR-MAY'15 ISSUE NO.1 | Page 131

Anna Bielkheden photography, marketing and personal branding. There have of course been presentations, which made me a little nervous going into them. But once I start presenting that all goes away. well. Years ago we worked with a local school on an internship program – but since then we haven’t really. Not because we are not interested, just haven’t had projects that interns could pop in on. FMM: You mentioned working with a great team, how did you manage to find such great talents? Do you take any interns? JP: I truly believe that building a great team is an essential part to running a successful photography business. I’ve been very fortunate to have the chance to connect with some great professionals with fantastic on-set abilities. My lead assistant I’ve known and worked with for the better part of a decade; we typically use the same makeup artists; we just brought on a very talented production manager and have a very creative videographer as FMM: What defines the decisive moment of your photographs? JP: I truly believe a lot of people can take great pictures. There is a bevy of viable talents in this field. That is why my team and I strive to not just take pictures, but to make pictures that work for our clients. We want to focus on what our client’s goals are and help them achieve those goals with the work we do. That goal could be to get more magazines picked up off the shelf, or to sell more of a specific product or service. We keep that in mind when we approach the creative on our shoots. >>> www.MOST || FITNESS M A G A Z I N E || 131