MOST Magazine Celebrity OCT'15 ISSUE NO.1 | Page 60

D rawn to action-oriented projects, Julie starred in such films as Rambo, Saw V, and the Punisher: War Zone. Although she has accomplished a great deal of success in both movies and television, there seems to be one common thread in her career - it is her predilection for dying or coming pretty darn close to it! This actress tends to “play characters that you care so much for and are shocked when they’re killed off, or they are really evil and you have to kill them off.” As a pregnant vampire on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff Angel, she has to scarf herself for her human child. Julie begins to build her legion of fans playing on these two shows as Darla, Angel’s sire and long-time love in the cult classic. And Darla builds a legion of fans, that still follow today, dedicating websites to all things Julie and the characters that she portrays. Yep, pretty cool. We talked to Julie about her time on the Emmy award-winning show Dexter. The actor played Rita, a single mother and love interest to Michael C.Hall’s title character, Dexter. “Rita came at a time in my life where I needed to play a real woman who was struggling with her life, even though she was a lesser part of the storyline, she was an integral part.” Remembering her time on the hit show, she felt Rita represented hope while bringing light and love, to Dexter. “She allows the audience to fall in love with him.” According to Entertainment Weekly, her death is still ranked as one of the most shocking deaths of all time in TV history. At hearing the news, her character would be killed off, two things go through the actress’ mind, “Oh my gosh, I just lost my job and the second being, who’s going to raise baby Harrison?” Method to the end, Julie came to love the character that she played and the story she was telling. 60 // CELEBRITY MAGAZINE // O C T O B E R 2 015