Mosaic | Page 6

QUIETLY WILD By: Cassie Norton The trees speak to me. They whisper secrets of the things they have seen And remind me of things I thought I had forgotten. They sing me songs of an ancient world Now disappearing And comfort me when I feel alone. They wave as I pass by And often welcome me into their arms. More than once I have fallen asleep as they rocked me Their softly sung lullabies Weaving ethereal tapestries in my dreams. I am free with them For I know they do not judge And I am safe in their branches For I know they will never drop me. Sentinels of the wild They watch on Silently Standing guard over seas of green And the countless sparks of bright, scurrying life. Content with what they are They have found their place As I hope to one day find mine. “MT. MARCUS BAKER” By: Mitzi Peine 1 2