MORE Magazine Spring 2017 Issue 3 | Page 22

The ironic thing was my story has nothing to do with erotica which was the genre of her book it was faith based POWER OF story of my wife and I coming together to date. She enjoyed the God filled story of my wife and I so much she gave me the opportunity to be read. Ms. Morrison heard me speaking as guest on an internet radio show discussing how a man can love only one woman. She then reached out for me to appear in her book. God knew what he’s doing by placing my words of faith in-between those of an BY erotic nature. MAALA ARTICLE RICHARD FOCUS What made you decide to sit down and actually start something? Originally, I wrote erotica. I used it to get close to women for sexual gain. Once I changed my spiritual focus my writing from that point was creating to serve the Lord. My writing is also used to serve as a reflection of my current path in life which is helping people grow in various aspects. I write from my heart so each reader can feel where I am going with my work. I try to entertain and inform with my work. Which writers inspire you? I am inspired by many different writers. But to pick a few I would say I enjoy Malcolm X, Juwanza Kunjufu, and Stuart Scott, formerly of ESPN. Also, I love reading comics. I am undercover comic book junkie and collector. Tell us about what have you written? Books, Short Stories, Poems, Blogs, etc... Oh wow, I’ve written much over the years in many different areas. I feel writers should attempt to secure work in various areas. My first book was poetry; called a “Man in Transition”. I created it to reflect, in poetry form, what my personal and spiritual transition looked like. My second book was “From Gigolo to Jesus” which is my memoir. It tells the actually story behind how I transformed from a misogynist whore to loving husband and man of God. The next book was inspirational fiction, called Lukewarm Saint. It tells the story of a teacher torn between his love of being with many different women and the guilt which is haunting him throughout the story. With a friend in each ear trying hard to pull him to two different directions. This book is book 1 of a 3-part series I am working. I also have publishing credits in various anthologies. This is an area authors can make a name for themselves by taking part in different anthologies. I am an award winning author because of my work which was featured in an anthology in 2010 which won Anthology of the Year. What genre are your books? What draws you to this genre? I have publishing credits in the genres of Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Education, and Self Help. What draws me to these genres I enjoying writing in different platforms and look forward to working the different types of opportunities when they present themselves. Where do your ideas come from? My ideas come from my thoughts which pop up, my experiences, and events in my life. I have lived an interesting life and have been through much so I allow it to flow directly into my writing ideas or to serve as the catalyst for my story ideas.