MORE Magazine Spring 2017 Issue 3 | Page 20

HOW HAS YOUR EDUCATION PREPARED YOU FOR MINISTRY? It’s taught me discipline, commitment and endurance. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO WOMEN ANSWERING THE CALL TO MINISTRY? Be comfortable in being you and embrace the person that God created you to be. Only be you and nobody else. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF AND YOUR MINISTRY IN 5 YEARS’ TIME? I will have overcome the hurdles of fear. I will be fully operating in my purpose and gifts. I will have an increased prayer life and an even deeper will and desire, and heart for God. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUR YOUNGER SELF? 1. Never settle 2. Don’t be afraid of their faces 3. Have confidence and embrace who you are and the way God made you 4. Its ok to be separated and set apart from others, being different is ok. IF YOU COULD HAVE A HEART TO HEART CONVERSATION WITH ANY WOMAN IN THE BIBLE, WHO WOULD IT BE, WHY AND WHAT TWO QUESTIONS WOULD YOU ASK HER? I would like to speak with Mary, Jesus’ mother. I would ask her how did you feel knowing what and who she was carrying inside of her. How did she feel knowing that God chose and highly favored her?