MORE Magazine January 2017 | Page 47

At the time , I was at a real crossroad . I was trying to figure out why it seemed that my ministry was dying , church as a whole seemed to be in chaos and the world is in a bad place . I had to return to my first love . Begin to preach what people need . What I am preaching is not new , but it ’ s been neglected .
From that experience , I have learned that Purpose is always speaking to us . We don ’ t always hear it because we are used to the sound of being challenged in a challenged society . Take Social media . Face book has 1.7 million active users a month . There are so many images that define and shape our thoughts and opinions , opposed to listening to what our Purpose is saying to us .
MORE Mag : That is an alarming number . So many images are very influential , and very noisy .
Bishop Curtis :
Social Media is very influential . If we aren ’ t careful , we will let our surroundings dictate who we become . For example , Say you are around a group of friends and they use a certain slang word . That word will become a part of your vocabulary and your friends are the key reason why your speech has changed .
Another example , imagine if you always saw your mother in bad relationships with men . You would begin to see men in a bad view because your thoughts are similar to your mother ’ s thoughts . You listened to what she really thought about men through her words and her actions . When people talk , they use more than their words . They also communicate their opinions and gestures .
Imagine how influential people are . If you are not secure in your foundation , then your will begin to question what you know . You will begin to base your own reality on the opinions of others opposed to what is the truth .