Moon Into It! Vol. 2 Issue #2 | Page 9

The Crone's Quill

Brenda Carol Anderson Bradshaw/Psychic

Making a choice can become easier or even more oblivious to the brain if we consider using the brain in a whole brain capacity. Most humans are train to us either the left brain logical order side of the brain or the right brain creative imaginative side. So many of our decision are effect and choices become limited to the thought of the brain begin used to solve problems. Let’s consider the types of problems we need to be considered before determining a choice of what brain side we should use to make an excellent choice to solve a particular problem.

In every case to do a job we must first choose a tool to make the operation go smoothly and Finnish the job at hand. The first problem we are going to explore is relationships. In all relationships there are going to be problems and many self help books are very insightful and can bring out many choices of what to do and how to do it to make the people involved understand the problems facing the coming together of the four brains. Yes four brains or maybe three or two brain will be actively involved in any relationships. First in order to understand what we are dealing with in the relationship we need to determine

what brains are begin used to make decisions in the relationship. In most cases the men in our society are brought up and encouraged to be left brain logical thinkers. Some will have some right brain creativity but it will suppress for reasons of cultural pressures.

So many men will not rely on their senses but rather take everything as a logical orderly choices and resist their imaginative senses that women have been encourage to use through dolls and other bias that still exist.

From the beginning of time the woman has been more of a right brain nurture side of all relationships. While men are the hunters and gathers they have become the expression of the consciousness of order. The brains have not change much because society and peer pressure only now is allow expressions from the dominate right brain men. Women do have order but it comes from a different imaging in the right brain. In most relationships that seem to work better together you need a left brain and a right brain. The gender does not play an important role but the brains need to be out of conflicts to solve problems and make decisions that become to best choices for both concerned. Women tend to be whole brain thinkers and this does bring confusion into the relationships. I have seen this work if the woman will allow the man to be the left brain user in most cases so that the conflicts of two left brains does not occur. You need to determine which is best to use and if the women’s left brain is better the man would have to agree that this is proper because the ego of the man will interfere with the problem solving and conflicts will occur. Some men find this hard to overcome and by not allowing the spouse to take charge will cause a split in the relationship and abuse of power will occur. Control issues are the biggest problems with relationships and it is the brains that cause this to happen. Because men are more left brain their ego is over ruling many of their decisions and they can’t change their mind even if they know they are wrong.

Admitting you are wrong is an ego problem and because woman use more of their right brain and are whole thinkers they are more apt to confessing a mistake. They reflect more due to their imagination and a need for love is an unseen quality is very right brain. Men seem to need a need to have relationships more than love. They are very physical and this takes first priority in their choice of a mate.

Women do think of the physical attraction but the feelings of love over take most of their thinking when they start a relationship. Conversation and communication and non verbal signs are where a women first start in every relationship. The man starts thinking of his physical needs and what can this bring to me or take from me. Usually men go into a protective and closed thinking mode and words are cautiously place to form sentences and come out slowly and precise.