Moon Into It! Vol. 2 Issue #2 | Page 10

Women are anxious to feel and know if love is present right from the beginning. They think can this person love me the way I need to be loved. The imaginations kicks and they think of what it would be like with the person for the rest of their lives The right brain person is on step ten and the left brain person is on step one. Bringing the brains together in harmony is the real magic I want to share with you.

First, the right brain person has to slow down and hold on to the escapes of fantasy they are racing through their brain. And think left brain logical and think like the other person is thinking. It’s usually the right brain people that go to fast because of the brain activity. The person with the whole brain does better because they can switch when they see the type of brain they are dealing with. So the right brains need to be aware of this before jumping into to future before they complete the steps of listen to the brain that they are speaking too.

There are some things about relationships that really need to be brought to the table at this time. Some relationships will never work and that is a fact. Flexibility is not possible for some people because of brainwashing and peer pressures and repress memories and these issues are hard to work through for most people unless you have training. Because of these problems that you cannot change, you need to move on.

Change can only occur within the person themselves. We can change our self to think different but the process takes years to change brain usage but it can be done. I have become a whole thinker but really use my right brain for my career using my psychic abilities. I can be left brain but my skills are not in proper logical order so I don’t maintain a left brain well enough to make a complete change to begin left brain. I do understand left brain people and can adjust for a short period of time just to aid them are advice them. But a relationship with total logical person would change me into a detached person which has occurred to me many times. I usually allow the left brain person to take over control. Right brain imaginative people are easily control because they prefer detachments. So it would be better for me to have a whole thinker to be in a relationship with. A person with little or no activity in the right brain could never work for me because of the ego control.

Visit the Croan's Quill next month to discover what the brain does without even being congnizant of it's activity.

~Brenda Carol Anderson Bradshaw/Psychic