Montréal enSanté V8N4 Automne/Fall 2016 | Page 34

g insuffisance rénale , asthme ou diabète );
• personnes qui voyagent ( en particulier dans l ’ hémisphère sud , où la saison de la grippe va d ’ avril à octobre ). Le vaccin contre la grippe et le vaccin pneumococcique peuvent être administrés en même temps — par conséquent , en recevant le vaccin antigrippal annuel , demandez à votre médecin s ’ il est approprié de recevoir le vaccin antipneumococcique pour vous protéger et protéger les membres de votre famille 7 .
Ce que vous ne savez pas peut vous faire du tort : Vaccins411 a fait des recherches et compilé une liste de conseils utiles , d ’ articles et de ressources sur la grippe et les maladies pneumococciques . La liste est publiée sur la page des ressources sur la grippe de Vaccins411 : https :// vaccines411 . ca / fr / Flu-Resources
Pour savoir où trouver le CSSS ou la clinique de vaccination les plus proches de chez vous , rendez-vous sur Vaccins411 . ca . M
Sources 1 . http :// www . phac-aspc . gc . ca / naci-ccni / flu-2016-grippe-fra . php 2 . http :// www . medicinenet . com / cold _ and _ flu _ 13 _ germiest _ places _ pictures _ slideshow / article . htm ( en anglais uniquement ) 3 . http :// www . immunize . ca / uploads / posters / pneumo2015 / pneumo2015 _ children _ f . pdf 4 . http :// www . immunize . ca / uploads / posters / pneumo2015 / pneumo2015 _ adults _ f . pdf 5 . http :// resources . cpha . ca / immunize . ca / data / 1856e . pdf 6 . http :// guidelines . diabetes . ca / browse / chapter19 ( en anglais uniquement ) 7 . https :// myhealth . alberta . ca / health / pages / conditions . aspx ? hwid = tv8594 & 8 . http :// www . cdc . gov / h1n1flu / vaccination / public / public _ pneumococcal . htm ( en anglais uniquement )
Sources 1 . http :// www . phac-aspc . gc . ca / naci-ccni / flu-2016-grippe-eng . php 2 . http :// www . medicinenet . com / cold _ and _ flu _ 13 _ germiest _ places _ pictures _ slideshow / article . htm 3 . http :// www . immunize . ca / uploads / posters / pneumo2015 / pneumo2015 _ children _ e . pdf 4 . http :// www . immunize . ca / uploads / posters / pneumo2015 / pneumo2015 _ adults _ e . pdf 5 . http :// resources . cpha . ca / immunize . ca / data / 1856e . pdf 6 . http :// guidelines . diabetes . ca / browse / chapter19 7 . https :// myhealth . alberta . ca / health / pages / conditions . aspx ? hwid = tv8594 & 8 . http :// www . cdc . gov / h1n1flu / vaccination / public / public _ pneumococcal . htm gg infants and children up to 4 years of age , children and teens who have asthma , 3 adults who have diabetes , asthma , kidney disease , alcoholism , or an immunocompromising disease , those who smoke cigarettes , and people 65 years of age and over . 4
An estimated 4,000 people die in Canada every year due to the flu and its complications . 5 A large Dutch study found that in addition to reducing the risk of getting the flu virus , vaccination reduces flu or pneumonia-related complications by half . Additionally , this can decrease hospitalization for influenza , pneumonia , other acute respiratory diseases , heart attack , congestive heart failure , and stroke or diabetes events by up to 70 %. 6
The pneumococcal vaccination uses a weakened version of the pneumococcal bacteria to help your body produce protective antibodies . The pneumococcal bacteria can cause several serious and deadly illnesses , including bacteraemic pneumonia ( lung infection with bacteria in the blood stream ), sepsis ( bacteria in the blood stream ), and meningitis ( inflammation around the brain ). 8 Vaccination also reduces the risk of death and related complications in hospitalized adults who have community-acquired pneumonia . 6
Consider vaccination if you frequently come into close contact with any of the following people at home or work who might be more vulnerable to infection or if any of these risk categories applies to you : 1 , 8
• Infants and young children ( especially daycare age )
• People age 65 and over ( especially living in a nursing home )
• Anyone expecting a newborn during flu season
• Individuals living with a chronic health condition ( such as heart or lung disease , kidney failure , asthma or diabetes )
• Anyone travelling ( especially to the southern hemisphere where flu season runs April to October ) Both the flu and pneumococcal immunizations can be given at the same time – so when you get your annual flu shot , ask your doctor if a pneumococcal vaccination is needed to protect you and your family members . 7
What you don ’ t know can hurt you : Vaccines411 has researched and compiled a list of useful tips , articles and resources about influenza and pneumococcal diseases on the Vaccines411 flu resources page : https :// vaccines411 . ca / en / Flu-Resources
Know where to go to find your nearest CSSS or vaccination clinic , visit Vaccines411 . ca . M