Montréal enSanté V8N3 Été/Summer 2016 | Page 48

SANTÉ • HEALTH Generation Next THE NEXT CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT? “I trained hard, I competed hard, and for that people respected me. But this transition has been harder on me than anything I could imagine, and that’s the case for so many others, besides me. For that reason alone, trans people deserve something vital, they deserve your respect.” — Caitlyn Jenner Within these past few years, the LG- BTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning) community has changed the world, what with the legalization of gay marriage in the states, to the prominent presence of lesbian and bisexual characters in the media and popular culture. Because of this, the many hardships of the transgender community have come to light, from being mocked, misunderstood, oppressed and worse. The term transgender is used to define people who do not identify with the sex that they were assigned at birth—their in- ternal gender identity does not match their exterior. There’s no doubt entertainment can still teach society a few things while being a catalyst for positive representation of the trans community. Take a show like Génération future Orange is the New Black, starring a proud LE PROCHAIN MOUVEMENT DES DROITS CIVIQUES Transparent, a TV series starring Jeffrey Par | By Sabrina Jonas «J transgender woman, Laverne Cox, an advocate for transgender rights. And there’s Tambor as a father who comes out about his transgender identity to his family. These shows portray the sufferings  ’ai travaillé très fort, j’ai beaucoup donné à la compétition, et pour ça, les gens me of this misjudged and ever-expanding rais pu imaginer, et c’est le cas pour plusieurs autres personnes. Pour cette seule et unique ties are finally being heard through reen- respectaient. Mais cette transition a été plus difficile pour moi que tout ce que j’au- raison, les transgenres méritent quelque chose de vital, ils méritent votre respect.  »  — Caitlyn Jenner Au cours des dernières années, la communauté LGBTQ (lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels, trans- genres et questionnement) a changé le monde avec la légalisation du mariage gai aux ÉtatsUnis et la présence importante de personnalités lesbiennes et homosexuelles dans les médias et la culture populaire. Grâce à cette visibilité, les multiples épreuves que doit traverser la g 46 MONTRÉAL enSANTÉ ÉTÉ 2016 group of people whose stories and realiacted first-hand experiences. The ignorant are obsessed with the surgical aspect that transitioning from one sex to another may or may not entail, yet they make no attempt at understanding the individual or their endless struggles they face. gg