Montgomery Maxwell JLUS Report montgomery_maxwell_afb_jlus_report_june_2017a | Page 53

Light and Glare ( LG )
This factor refers to man‐made lighting ( street lights , airfield lighting , building lights ) and glare ( direct or reflected light ) that disrupts vision . Light sources from commercial , industrial , recreational , and residential uses at night can cause excessive glare and illumination , impacting the use of military night vision devices and air operations . Conversely , high intensity light sources generated from a military area ( such as ramp lighting ) may have a negative impact on the adjacent community . The following Light and Glare issue was identified :
• Preserve Capability for Night Mission Training . While there is no current impact to night mission training , there is concern with potential future development that could create light pollution and horizon brightening . This would impact the effectiveness of night vision devices , ultimately affecting the overall capability of Maxwell AFB executing night time training .
Noise ( NOI )
Sound that reaches unwanted levels is referred to as noise . The central issue with noise is the impact , or perceived impact , on people , animals ( wild and domestic ), and general land use compatibility . Exposure to high noise levels can have a significant impact on human activity , health , and safety . The decibel ( dB ) scale is used to quantify sound intensity . To understand the relevance of decibels , a normal conversation often occurs at 60 dB , while an ambulance siren from 100 feet away is about 100 dB . Noise associated with military operations ( arrival / departure of military aircraft , firing of weapons , etc .) may create noises in higher dB ranges . The following Noise issues were identified :
• Lack of Noise Regulations North of Maxwell AFB . Lack of noise regulations north of Maxwell AFB , including in the cities of Prattville and Millbrook , and the Town of Coosada , could potentially increase noise sensitive land uses in high noise are level military training .
• Potential Future Missions Could Increas future missions at Maxwell AFB could bri fighter jets to the installation which could expand the noise contours .
Public Trespassing ( PT )
This factor addresses public trespassing , either onto a military installation . The potential for tre public use areas are in close proximity to the in
Military areas that are located on , or adjacent t other entities ( i . e ., federal , state , or local ) that a access , recreation , or for livestock grazing often public trespassing into training ranges and othe related to military operations . The following Pu identified :
• Public Trespass onto Installation from P Maxwell AFB tracks several public trespa individuals who intentionally and uninten installation from Powder Magazine Park .
Safety Zones ( SA )
Safety zones are areas in which development sh terms of use and concentrations of people , due safety . Issues to consider include aircraft accide firing range safety zones , and explosive safety z
Military installations often engage in activities o to public safety concerns , require special consid
June 2017 Joint Land Use Study Report