Montgomery Maxwell BR montgomery_maxwell_afb_jlus_br_june 2017a_sm | Page 27

Stakeholders An early step in any planning process is the identification of stakeholders . Stakeholders include individuals , groups , organizations , and governmental entities interested in , affected by , or affecting the outcome of the JLUS project . Informing and involving them early in the project is essential in identifying their compatibility issues so that they can be resolved through the development of integrated strategies and actions .
Stakeholders identified for the Montgomery‐Maxwell AFB JLUS included , but were not limited to :
• Local jurisdictions ( City of Montgomery , City of Prattville , and Montgomery County );
• DOD officials ( including OEA representatives ) and military installation personnel ;
• Local , regional , and state planning , regulatory , and land management agencies ;
• Landholding and regulatory federal agencies ;
• The public ( including residents and landowners );
• Environmental advocacy organizations ;
• Native American Tribes ;
• Nongovernmental organizations ( NGOs ); and
• Other special interest groups ( including local educational institutions and school districts ). stakeholders . The two committees were the Po Technical Committee ( TC ).
JLUS Policy Committee ( PC ): The PC consisted participating jurisdictions , Maxwell AFB and Gu representatives from other interested and affec responsible for the direction of the JLUS , prepa study design , approval of policy recommendatio and final JLUS documents .
Technical Committee ( TC ): The TC was respons studying technical issues , providing feedback on assisting in the development and evaluation of and tools . Membership included area planners , business and development community represen matter experts as needed to assist in the develo implementation strategies and tools . Items disc brought before the PC for consideration and ac
The PC and TC served as liaisons to their respec and TC members were charged with conveying information to their organizations and constitue organization ’ s comments and suggestions to bo consideration . PC members were encouraged t organizations and / or constituencies to facilitat participants and their responsibilities for the JLU TC are identified in Tables 1‐1 , 1‐2 , and 1‐3 , res
Policy and Technical Committees The development of the Montgomery‐Maxwell AFB JLUS was guided by two committees made up of city , county , state and federal agencies , Maxwell AFB and Gunter Annex personnel , resource agencies , and other
June 2017 Background Report