Montgomery Maxwell BR montgomery_maxwell_afb_jlus_br_june 2017a_sm | Page 104

Zone II ( APZ II ). These zones are determined using a statistical analysis of all DOD aircraft accidents . APZs follow departure , arrival , and pattern flight tracks and are based on historical data .
The 2009 Maxwell AFB AICUZ Report is an update to the 1998 Maxwell AFB AICUZ Report . It presents a description of the current noise environment around Maxwell AFB . It reaffirms the Air Force policy of promoting public health , safety , and general welfare in areas of close proximity to Air Force ( AF ) installations . This report identifies changes in flight operations that have occurred since the 1998 report , and provides current noise zones and compatible use guidelines for land areas adjacent to the installation . It is provided as a tool to assist local communities in future land use planning and zoning activities . Changes that required an update of the AICUZ report include :
• number and type of aircraft at Maxwell AFB ,
• installation of quieter aircraft engines ,
• changes in the arrival and departure frequencies for all aircraft ,
• changes in flight patterns with the additional aircraft and noise abatement procedures ,
• operational mission requirements and AF reorganization , and
• improvements to the NOISEMAP program .
Bird / Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Plan ( BASH ) The purpose of a Bird / Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard ( BASH ) plan is to minimize wildlife and bird strike damage to military aircraft . A BASH plan is designed to alert aircrew and operations personnel and provide increased levels of flight safety , especially during the critical phases of flight , take‐off , and landing operations . Specifically , the plan is designed to :
• Designate a Bird Hazard Warning Group ( BHWG ) and outline the members ’ responsibilities ,
• Establish procedures to identify high hazard situations and establish aircraft and airfield operating procedures to avoid these situations ,
• Ensure that all permanent and transient a hazards and the avoidance procedures , a
• Develop guidelines to decrease the attrac birds and disperse the number of birds o
Maxwell AFB last fully updated its BASH Plan in as January 2015 .
Installation Complex Encroachment Manag Maxwell AFB ’ s Installation Complex Encroachm ( ICEMAP ) was developed to satisfy the Air Force Encroachment Management , which requires ins the resources available to conduct an external I internal ICEMAP during the interim . The draft i developed in July 2015 . ICEMAPs are designed identify and mitigate existing encroachments , w potential for future impacts associated with enc establish an action plan for reducing encroachm on the community . Maxwell AFB ’ s ICEMAP iden one potential encroachment issue which impac Maxwell AFB ’ s mission . Issues identified in the airspace , on‐base structures in APZ‐LZ , the lack increase in vertical obstructions , airspace comp noise , flooding , and cultural resources constrain
Installation Development Plan The Installation Development Plan ( IDP ) is a lon for Maxwell AFB . The 2015 plan was designed t land use planning , infrastructure , sustainably , g reference constraints and opportunities to mee future of the installation ; and establish a plan fo was created through the efforts of multiple stak
Source : Installation Development Plan Maxwell Airfo
Page 4‐10 Background Report