Money Matters March '18- May '18 | Page 9

What were the academic requirements you had to meet to apply?

CS: 3.25 GPA

FS: 3.5 GPA

Did you have to take the GRE or something equivalent to that?

CS: No

FS: No

What was the cost of tuition for those schools?

CS: $29853.24 for UCL, $22724.11 for Birmingham, and $11981.20 for UBC

FS: $16694.98 for Nottingham

How did you or will you pay for this?

CS: I have some money saved up from work, I have applied for scholarships and my family is going to help me pay for it as well.

FS: I had to take out a private loan to cover the cost of everything up front.

To start on your journey of getting a Master’s Degree abroad, you first have to decide what you will major in. This is an important step as it will help you in choosing which school to go to. Second step is to research schools that have graduate programs in that study. Third step is to apply. Then you have to wait on responses to your applications. If you get accepted to any schools then you need to look into how you are going to finance for the degree. Lastly, go abroad and learn!