Money Matters Dec '17-Feb '18 | Page 8

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Penny-Pincher Parties

It’s that time of the year, whether you’re too far from your family, or you’ve meet some pretty cool people that have become your family. So, get into the spirit and read these tips for how to have a frugal, yet fantastic holiday party. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to throw an awesome bash without dropping a lot of cash. Here are our top seven tips:

Make it a potluck – Asking everyone to bring their favorite dish or drink. This will save you money and ensure that even the pickiest eaters have something they like.

Recycle and upcycle for unique decorations – By using materials you already have, you can save money, reduce clutter, and avoid waste.

Find a cohost – Cohosting means that you’ll have half of the responsibilities and half of the costs. Planning the shindig together will give you another excuse to hang out with your BFF.

Buy in bulk – Buying foods in bulk helps keep costs down and can leave you with leftovers to eat the next day.

The Dollar store is your friend- If you want to add some decorations, or your looking for some pretty cheap cooking supplies, go to the dollar store first with a list of things you’ll need and have yourself a merry little dollar store hunt.

Remember what’s important- While things may get a bit crazy, don’t get too caught up in the details of planning and forget that this time is about spending time with the ones your love and they would probably be just as happy to eat takeout and watch the Grinch.

By Vernisha and Becca, Peer Mentors