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gets out of the body. The method is very good to fall can fi nd exactly the places of our main seven energy asleep again. By enlarging the area corresponding centers. to the seventh energy center, which is located in the upper part of the body, a long inhalation breath fol- The good measures that we can take, in the spirit of lowed by a long exhalation breath take place. This is this article, can help everybody to obtain academic similar to what people say, “To give the last breath”. performances and have a very good career in the The two breaths are immediately followed by a deep future [9]. relaxation state of the entire physical body. It occurs because the physical body has been tricked that it is For anybody who does not believe that we can do going to die. Actually, this does not occur because more, the practical results presented by the authors the required conditions are not met. It is the most and justifi ed by measurements should encourage eff ective method of relaxation in the world, because them to challenge themselves more [10]. This is a very the body relaxes at the maximum level, similar to the important thing because, otherwise, we can become situation when death occurs. ill very easily [11]. Taking into account the previous results presented, For those who succeed to feel the things diff erently the authors’ advice is: “Let us take complete control of and also to take measures, leaving this world will our human being as a whole!” represent a smaller problem. Conclusions The existence of the translucent glowing orb proves that we do not die for sure. As a consequence, the sentence which expresses the immense despair of the humanity in the face of death “Let us live every day as if it were the last day” becomes meaningless. All the abuses to our life and, also, to the others’ life generated by this thinking will stop. Everybody could References 1. Mândrea L., Costea M., Torp A. - The Energy Emissions Produced by the Human Being and their Practical Use. The 9th International Symposium on ADVANCED TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, May 7-9, 2015, Bucharest, Romania, 260-264, 2015. 2. Petre R.A. - Globii luminoși din fotografi i (Glowing orbs in photos), Explicații fi zice și paranormale (Phisycal and paranormal explanations), Ediția a doua (Second edition), SPIRITUS.RO, Colecția MANIFESTĂRI ALE SPIRITELOR (The colection MANIFESTATION OF THE SPIRITS), 2014. live more relaxedly and many reasons for misery will 3. Klaus H., Miceal L. - The Orb Project, Paperback – Deckle Edge, November 6, 2007. disappear. 4. Meg Blackburn Losey - Magnifi cent Orbs, The human being has a body made from dense mat- 5. Identity Network, Soaking in the Light of the Spirit, © Copyright - Identity Network- Jeremy Lopez / Identity Network, Inc., (885767857308). ter for atheists, who perceive the things only with the usual senses. For those who succeed in perceiving everything diff erently, there is a continuous interac- tion between the worlds and that supplementary something (i.e. glowing translucent orb, soul, spirit, entity, etc.) can play an important role in our health, physical and psychic state and also in our happiness. Beams of energy can be sent usually from our abdo- men to our energy shell and to our organs to improve 6. Mândrea L. - Comportamentul sufl etului în corpul uman (The behaviour of the soul in the human body), Editura Tornada, 2011. 7. Mândrea L. - Percepții extrasenzoriale. Sufl etul în corpul uman (Extrasensorial perceptions. The soul in the human body), Editura Tornada, 2014. 8. Yakovleva E. G., Korotkov K. - Electro Photonic Analysis in Medicine, GDV Bio Electrographic Research, ISBN 978- 1481932981, 2013. 9. Torp A., Mândrea L., Cipu C. - Electro Photonic Imaging – A Possible Predicting Factor for Academic Performance. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 33(6), 3159-3166, 2015. continuously our general state. 10. Mândrea L., Chirilă A. - The Complete Human Being, Energy and Soul, International Business Conference on Business Excellence, Bucharest, 30-31 March 2017. The main seven energy centers of the body are the 11. Mândrea L., Curta I. – The Modifi cation of the Energy Level of the Human Being, Infl uences upon the Psychic State and Health, The 17-th Multidisciplinary International Conference, Sebes-Alba, 2017. places where the soul stops in its movement at the horizontal, inside the body. This is how, in fact, we Monad 5 / 2017 | Page 23