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In Figure 8 , we depicted the energy shells of each hand ’ s fingers of the article ’ s first author . We can conclude that , again as in in Figure 6 , the shells are very consistent and without breaks .
Figure 8 . The hand ’ s fingers energy shells for the article ’ s first author recorded in July 2016
The results gathered in July 2016 clearly reflect an additional activity of the analyzed subject , the article ’ s first author , when compared to a human ’ s ordinary activities , in order to maintain a continuous health and a special balance of the human being .
Another typical example is the development of illnesses such as gastritis , ulcers , and possibly a perforated ulcer . Due to ongoing concerns related to facts or situations which create unfavorable emotions , the translucent orb points the energy as a directional beam which destroys the energy shell , it injures tissues and it prepares the human body for diseases . Afterwards , the bacteria will do their job . In case of weak emotions , gastritis appears , while in case of strong emotions ulcer appears . Obviously , if the emotions are even stronger and the subject does not find a way to get out of the unwanted situation , then perforated ulcer develops .
The lack of preoccupation for the position of the translucent glowing orb inside the body corresponds with the loss of the control and , very possibly , with the beginning of an illness .
In case of unfavorable emotions , the translucent orb leaves easily the abdomen and shifts upwards inside the physical body . It could arrive at the top of the head , through where it may leave away from the body in particular circumstances . There are persons who report , for example , a feeling of emptiness inside the stomach . If it is frequent , this feeling needs to be compensated somehow and so the person begins to eat . These people suffer from bulimia . Conventional medicine does not know to explain that it all starts from the lack of the translucent orb inside the abdomen . It is believed , however , that the negative emotions are the cause .
In cases of even greater annoyances related to life in general , the upwards shifting of the translucent orb inside the body is higher , for example , up to the fourth energy center . The directed energy by the translucent orb can weaken the lungs and you can end up with lung cancer .
There are methods which can return the translucent orb back to its natural location , the second energy center . A common method is the abdominal breathing , which obviously improves the person ’ s breath , but without the subject knowing it , facilitates the downwards shifting of the translucent orb .
A remarkable discovery is our method for fast and efficient relaxation . The principle is to enlarge the output region through which the translucent orb
Page 22 | Monad 5 / 2017