MONAD 5 | Page 23

will set you free”. But how can we know this Truth that is so potent? For each of us, common sense is a Common sense is closely related to the level of consciousness precious key that can open the gate to the ultimate divine Truth, and we may say that this human qual- Common sense represents our way to express our- ity, even if increasingly rare, is still within reach, is selves in a beautiful manner. It is God’s beautiful way nearby, inside ourselves. It is a choice we can make to manifest through People, or Man’s beautiful way every moment. to manifest towards God. When we have common sense, we understand people, we love them, we help “Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they them, because we realise that we are not separate are, and doing things as they ought to be done” from each other. This is an attitude that the folklore – C.E. Stowe expresses suggestively with the saying “Do as you would be done by.” Or “Do unto others as you would Our current society is full of rules regarding common have them do unto you”. However, to be able to per- sense, rules that are necessary for a decent living to- ceive this unity and oneness with others, with nature, gether. These rules have been periodically modified and with the whole world, we must break through the adapted according to the stage of evolution our society shell of our ego, we must reach towards the highest finds itself in. The guidelines of living together vary from of our inner being, open our spiritual heart and, with the written ones collected in laws, regulations and codes, an awakened soul, we must become true jewels of to the ones verbally transmitted from one generation common sense in and for this world. to another, embodied by the traditions and customs of each place. All these rules proved to be necessary since the number of people lacking common sense was far greater than the people naturally manifesting Ways to amplify common sense in our being this quality. Therefore, these regulations have been The simplest way to amplify common sense is to “put absolutely necessary in order to keep a good balance yourself in other’s shoes”. We will certainly become in the cohabitation between the members of society. more attentive to our own reactions and attitudes. It is innate to human nature to love goodness and Could you imagine a world without rules, where every harmony, to love nature, to love animals. We are person is responsible for and attentive to their own overwhelmed when, for example, a kitten or even an actions and even more to those of others? This would elephant returns us the affection we offer it spontane- be an ideal, perfect world. But could such a world exist ously. Another effective way is to amplify our state of here on Earth? Yes, it can; as long as we can imagine humbelness whilst keeping dignified. Only a dignified it, it can become real. It is up to each of us to choose man can be really humble. to be a brick at the foundation of this type of world. But in order to succeed, we need to be examples of When one remains humble aiming to know the world common sense in our society