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This therapy can be done individually, but also in group in the bronchi and throat, relieving or even curing sessions. In the case of group sessions, the effects are migraines or heart problems. It enhances the feelings amplified because the sounding of the vowel is con- of joy, happiness, cheerfulness and liveliness. tinuous, and the vibration that follows is also amplified compared to the one created in individual practice. Vowel Î { ɨ }: This is pronounced as the space between Practicing in nature can enhance the joy and the results the letters sn the word doesn’t \´dә-z ә nt\ of the therapy. This vowel has good results in the chest area, also heal- ing or gradually relieving migraines, heart problems, Therapeutic results corresponding to each vowel digestive disorders and pulmonary tuberculosis. It leads to good mood, induces a state of candor and harmony. Vowel A: This is pronounced as in the letter a the word barb (\’ bärb\) Vowel O: This is pronounced as in the long letter o Sounding this vowel benefits the upper part of the the word omega \ō-’ mā-gә body: lungs, esophagus, the three upper ribs, brain, It accounts for positive results in the thorax area, at the same time improving memory, causing the the thymus gland area, for the diaphragm, as it also breath to become lighter and, emotionally, arising and intensifies our state of vitality, calm, love and purity. amplifying empathy. Vowel U: This sound is pronounced as in the letter o Vowel Ă [ә]: This is pronounced as in the letter u the the word undo \’ әn-’ dü word church \’chәrch\ It acts on the sexual organs, the liver, the stomach. It This acts on the solar plexus and the abdominal region, heals and improves most of stomach and liver disor- gradually healing most of the digestive disorders, while ders, eliminates constipation, instantly relieves light increasing courage, willpower and self-trust. stomach aches, has positive influences on the kidneys; further more, it helps solve sexual problems both in Vowel E: This is pronounced as in the letter e the word men and women; Intensifies feelings as freedom and egg \’ eg, ‘ āg\ expansion. Sounding this vowel acts on the throat, the glottis, the vocal cords, the larynx, the thyroid. It amplifies ingenu- Hoping the therapy with vowels is useful to you, I wish ity, warmth, innocence and modesty, purity state of you good luck practicing! being, helping also to prevent or cure thyroid disease. We look forward to receiving your personal results Vowel I: This is pronounced as in the second letter i and observations you might have during the practice the word India \’ in-dē-ә of this therapy. You can email us at [email protected] It positively works on the bronchi, the larynx, the throat, the head area, nose, brain; it helps eliminate mucus Monad 5 / 2017 | Page 21