MONAD 5 | Page 18

The Frontier Sciences Series Science and Astrology Article by Daniel Roxin As developer of The Complexity Theory and coordina- mere statistical observation of the sky. We could give tor of the UNESCO geodynamic office in Bucharest, people a 5 year time period to look at the sky and Professor Florin Munteanu is a mentor and an inspira- they would still not “feel” those objects as belonging tion to many generations of young people, offering to the same plane. a new perspective upon many things found at the frontiers of knowledge Second issue: the projection of this plane on the sky creates a segment, a sector that has been split in 12 Daniel Roxin had the wonderful chance to interview other segments, each one corresponding to an as- Professor Florin Munteanu who is one of the most trological sign. But, the fact that someone would just interesting scientific figures of Romania and we are figure this out, just realizing how interesting it would happy to present you with the interview below: be to generate a division into this type of structures, for me personally is a statistical absurdity. For this Daniel Roxin: Based on your scientific knowledge, as reason, somehow, the creators of astrology must a specialist in geodynamics, have you investigated how have had an intuition of a different nature, as they many astrological principles have a correspondent in couldn’t just conclude such things from the mere reality and can indeed be taken seriously? And if so, observation of the sky. what is it that sustains them? Furthermore, as adequate for a horoscope, each Florin Munteanu: I will consider a problematic hy- sector corresponding to an astrological sign should pothesis as the starting point for my answer: let’s bear a certain spiritual architecture, a predisposition imagine that we undertake this subject for research for the person found in that direction at the moment and that, benefiting from a limitless funding, we aim of their birth. to prove at least as a whole whether the astrologer’s chart exists or not. Let’s assume I have no hypothesis of any kind about this subject and I plan to write a book called “The Zo- What does this mean? It means watching the sky, see- diac”. How should I proceed? I could take for instance ing a series of bright dots, some pathways and trails. the date of birth 27th September and then find a Therefore, it means observing that some objects are group of at least 100 people born on this date– to brighter and move faster than others, thus we can say ensure a somewhat statistical reality; I would then they are planets; we then see they have a particular need to observe those 100 persons for their entire movement and at a certain point we must realize that lifetime and draw from this study some essential those luminous dots, appearing to have quite a disor- conclusions that would constitute the astrological derly motion in the sky, are actually in the same plane. profile. This cannot be done. From my point of view, it is obvious that the zodiac is not a simple empirical Only that the idea the luminous spots could