MONAD 3 | Page 7

ters of consciousness, from the basic Muladhara clearly distinguish rights and wrongs before these chakra all the way to Sahasrara. notions are even presented or distorted by the “education system”. I have again witnessed a case Why is important to have a complete holistic when a young boy was correcting adults around awareness? Because without it, we can damage or him with long statements about situations when suppress some of the innate capacity of the child. they failed to speak the truth. And he was articulat- Parents could react with disbelief and instead of ing this with simplicity and candor, using a great nurturing a complex capacity as it would be the deal of intuition and emotional maturity, to the dis- one of clairvoyance and mental clarity, they can in- may of the grown ups. fluence the child in not accepting it, or not believing it and in turn this can lead to lower self esteem. These are some of the areas where the parents and educators of such children need support to The emotional spectrum and sensitivity of some of unlearn the “habits” of rigid parenting and educa- the extraordinary gifted children can shock adults tion; where mental autopilot and even fear has to around them. I know a case when a 4 year old has be consciously removed and the educators need to stopped upon entering a public transport bus. be supported to live with the heart, with courage After his mum encouraged him to step in and and openness, wisdom and love. It is a challenging enter and then asked him what has happened the environment both for such children, who some- kid whispered back “mum, the driver is in love, this is times wish they were “normal” so that they can see so nice”. The child purity has sensed the other open themselves fit; as well as the educators who find heart and was entranced in awe spontaneously. themselves unprepared or uncovered. The child spoke, when his mother prompted, about an aspect that was not yet covered in his education We did mention few programs that exist world up to that point. wide, but what is actually needed is for the educators to be ready to transform continuously and Another fascinated subject that sometimes gifted mold themselves with the chance that is being children bring to the table is their capacity to presented to them through the new generation.