MONAD 3 | Page 34

M: Can you give us an example? BL: We all know that in Architecture we operate with shapes and one of the quality of shape is the proportion. And the most perfect proportion is the Divine Proportion, the Golden number. This number has been considered by the ancient Vedic Scriptures as the expression of God’s beauty in creation. Le- onardo DaVinci studied this number and revolutionized the Art and Science based on this Divine proportion. Up to this time the art was considered a naïve art, and the Renascentist period starts with these discoveries. Furthermore, in science Leonardo DaVinci drawings of human heart are still used by modern medical students. These aspects are introduced in the courses at ISA in unity and also we teach by pointing out what starts the process. What was first and what is the connection. These are presented and experimented with the entire human experience and not only at the intellectual level. M: What would you say to someone who is looking to become a student at ISA? BL: Everything is resonance and probably it is not by chance that you have found out about this school and if you have read this interview this far, I look forward to meeting and teaching you. I have always believed in the principle that one learns by teaching others, and it is also my chance and happiness to be teaching ISA students. Page 34 | Monad 3 / 2016