MONAD 3 | Page 18

Interview with Swami Shankarananda Giri | Part 2 How would you describe freedom? We are here, in this physical, material body, but we are not the body, we are just confined in it. But he body has its urges and we are forced to satisfy them. We need freedom. We have always wanted it, from our youngest age, it is in our instinct. We all In our previous numerous lives we may have had want to be free. the body of a monkey, donkey, crocodile, insect, bird, plant and of course we had no freedom, but Going back to the first days of our lives we can ima- we had no knowledge either. Therefore, we came gine our mother breast’s feeding us, holding us into a human body, having been given the chance tight into her arms, playing with us, kissing and to understand, to get the knowledge which is so cuddling us. But even the baby doesn’t like it all the important for our evolution. This understanding time. He wants to be free from his mother even that I am talking about, the animals and plants do from the first days of his life. When it is too much not have it. Animal beings have a very limited un- of something, the baby just rejects his mother by derstanding that goes only to a minor extent. Espe- crying and pushes her away. And it is like that cially when we speak of freedom, they do not have simply because we don’t want so much bondage. any thought of it but the need of it can be clearly In fact we don’t want bondage at all. expressed in their actions. Tigers and cats, as an example, do not foll