MONAD 1 | Page 9

This new Gnosis was meant as a solution to rescue the humanity through research . The encounter of some influential scholars of those times had as a goal the exploring and understanding of what they called : Knowing Cosmic Spirit .
The fundamental idea of the debate said that the world is created of Spirit , or rather by the immortal Divine Spirit that the majority of religions call God . The basic information of the entire macrocosm that is intelligent and thoughtful can be found in this Universal Consciousness or God .
This all-encompassing Consciousness creates the matrix of everything in the Universe . According to the document from Princeton , each atom , molecule or manifestation has its own consciousness and intelligence that adapts to the immediate needs of the environment .
According to their thinking , each particle " solves its own problems ." The scientists who reunited at Princeton formulated in modern terms what is also supported by the spiritual traditions . Each being reaches the Eternal God alone and demonstrates his or her level of spiritual elevation . Everyone is free to act as one feels , but not everything is permitted . Each particle , molecule , organ , animal , For the first time in the modern history of science , the question of spirituality arises . The conclusion of the Princeton encounter was that God ' s existence cannot be denied and finally we must give the consciousness an important place in the study of the universe . In the quantum physics , theories regarding the consciousness , as being an integrative part of the manifestation of the matter and energy have appeared . Consciousness is no longer considered just a result of the development of the matter and the current experiments demonstrate that this ( consciousness ) exists within and outside of the matter .
What is the matter ?
The renowned physicist , Raymond Ruyer emits the hypothesis that the researcher is the creation of the atom that wanted to reveal its own structure to itself . Such a fulminant assertion is in essence , as false as it is true and so is almost any allegation in the Eastern mysticism
Both from the quantum perspective as well as from the specific perspective of a zen koan , we can consider it a false statement because the atom knows its structure better than the physicist would get to discover . But we can consider the perspective true as well , as the man himself , in order to discover his external shape , needs a mirror in which he can see his body . So , by that logic , the atom thinks that the physicist is the mirror in which it reflects in order to become self-aware .
Also , the man understands at his turn some of the thoughts and inner body perceptions but he does not see his body entirely and he is unaware of his true nature of the subconscious . That is why , the man seeks to discover more details about his own being through analogies or reflections of environmental knowledge . The atom is in the same situation . His imperious wish to reflect through an exterior consciousness derives also from here .
What escapes this paradox , but at the same time also animates it , is that both the interior and exterior of the atom , as well as the inside and outside of the man ( human being ) were created by the same Cosmic Consciousness . Thus , the Universal Consciousness knows all the peculiarities of the atom and of the human being . And what can be known by the man is coming from the Cosmic Consciousness which is none other than God the Father in the Christian tradition .
Can a particle know itself enough and become aware of itself through its actions ? Here is a question that many scientists have struggled with .
The physicist Louis de Broglie was among those who have faced serious theoretical problems in developing ( process ) of these assumptions , of the aware electron . De Broglie was a French physicist who proposed the wave model - corpuscle of elementary particles . The famous scientist proved eventually that an electron or any other particle in motion can behave both as a material body , as well as energy . The researches have confirmed the