MONAD 1 | Page 8

They can foresee the real divine Consciousness that is planting the seed of the Spiritual Truth .
The mystical experiences trigger special states of consciousness and different ways to express them . According to the sacred teachings , both the states of spiritual awakening , as well as the state of genius discovery are attributes of the pure Divine Consciousness . It is not the information processed by the intelligence that brings joy and ecstatic states , but the amazement , the love or the sincere openness to the unknown and to the eternal miraculous . From this perspective , we could actually understand the biblical phrase that talks about the " poor in spirit " as "( the one who is ) little known in human science , but very knowledgeable of God ’ s science ."
What is actually a brilliant mind ?
If we use our inner common sense , we discover that such a capacity is simply a gateway to the endless divine mind . Before classifying this statement as speculation , it is still worth to meditate upon a famous quote of Albert Einstein . According to historical data , after he has demonstrated the theory about the nature of light , Einstein was asked by journalists how he managed to overcome the intellectual barrier imposed by another famous scientist whom , using about the same ideas and
( continued ) almost the same mathematical support , he demonstrated exactly the opposite of his genius discovery . Einstein ' s answer on that argument was shocking : " I don ’ t know the demonstration . Had I known it , I would probably have not demonstrated my own idea ."
Therefore , here is the scientist who produced transformations in the scientific thinking of the twentieth century has relied on his intuition , without going into the thicket of the formal scientific knowledge . He has trusted his own vision of the universe and he remained " optuse " - to use an appropriate word - to other discoveries that could have proven the contrary . We can say that the famous scientist was " poor in spirit " regarding the thinking of that time and was preoccupied mostly with his own state regarding the mysterious and eternal absolute that is hiding even now behind a fine veil of the illusion . Perhaps it was not by chance that we also have this great statement from Einstein : " I am interested only in God ' s thoughts . The rest are details . "
In this case , can we talk about geniuses as if they would be atheists ? According to many scientists , this would be at least risky . It is true that science can awaken a sense of security and pride due to the
“ I am interested only in God ’ s thoughts , the rest are details ”
A Einstein
accumulation of knowledge . Over time such an attitude made , of course , many victims . Let us not forget that religion taken to the extreme leads to conflictual situations .
Many contemporary scholars and researchers of borderline and esoteric domains are in agreement today . Science should be used as a path towards God , not pursued as a goal in itself . Science without love for God and respect for the eternal nature of the universe leads to evil and spiritual decay . As well – the spiritual paths that are not doubled by knowledge come to resemble ignorance and intolerance . Contemporary civilization has already stepped on the path of a radical spiritual transformation , and scientists are responsible for how they will use their knowledge . The significant discoveries from the first half of the last century led to a turning point : approaching science as a modality of revealing the spiritual truth . Already , by the Gnosis from Princeton in 1969 , a replica was produced by a team of researchers who have conceived it as a reflection of the ancient Gnosis in the first century ( C . E .) through the attribute of knowledge .