MONAD 1 | Page 35

Some helpful steps to help you learn how to read faster

Be not afraid of growing slowly , be afraid only of standing still .
There are a lot of persons who want to improve their reading pace . A lot of us would want to have a reading pace as the one of Mihai Eminescu who was reading 2500 per minute or Mircea Eliade with 3000 . Also Nicolae Iorga , as well as the U . S president John F . Kennedy were known for their speed in reading . About Kennedy it is said that he was encouraging his staff to take lessons of fast reading . Now , the one who own the record and is the world champion at reading is Anne Jones with 4700 words per minute and 67 % capacity of understanding . But to get to these results we need a lot of practice . There are a lot of books and courses which help you to read faster , but for those who do not have time to read or participate at these courses we will present you hereinafter a few steps of improving the reading .
First of all we should take a chronometer which will help us analyze how many words we are reading now per minute . We need to know our speed . But do not forget that without practice miracles will not happen !
It is good to establish a purpose , because you will program your subconscious to become more creative , being able even to build , invent , create … a personal program which will help you improve or even double your reading speed .
Create a pleasant , quiet , relaxing environment in the process of fast reading . It is useful to take notes , the light has to be as suitable as possible so your eyes will not get tired , choose a place as comfortable as possible and around you do not let object which will distract your attention . And my friend , the PHONE must not be in the room in which you read . It is better to make an exercise of relaxing before you start to read , the breath control is also important to oxygenate better the brain which coordinates our entire body .
Study and try to remember from what you read only what you need , speculate what the manual tries to present you .
And if I have presented you some important things I will present you some helping exercises . The first step to read faster is the one in which you have to