MONAD 1 | Page 31

Does the prayer have healing power ?
“ Diadoh of Foticeei was saying that “ medicine is a book which is opened to people by God ’ s will to help them and that the hope has to be put in Him , not in the human science .” The faith in prayer that we say is the most important , being one of the steps which lead to the transformation or healing . The healing accompanied by doubt is an incomplete prayer and then the wished effects and answers will not appear too soon . While a prayer accompanied by unconditioned trust in God and in his actions is one which led us to a profound change in our beings . “ Ask and it will be given to you , knock it will be opened for you ” are the words which should always guide us and to have an unwavering trust in them . Every time we have asked something to God , did we pay attention to the answer that we have received ? We should be aware that everything that happens around us , all the people we meet , all the thoughts which we have are gifts from God , we are a channel of manifestation and reception of His energy which contributes endlessly to our spiritual transformation . Never forget , the Prayer of thanks or gratitude to God as Saint Ioan de Kronstadt was saying “ The prayer is a state of permanent gratitude ”, it make your soul to cry of joy helping you to be aware of the love which is rising upon you unconditionally , living states of bliss , contemplation , spontaneous prayer , communion and unconditional trust in the power which surrounds us and His unlimited power . Many time different forms of total healing of the body from various diseases are correlated with profound prayer . Countless proofs exist in this direction , but some are attested both by the clerics and by scientists and doctors .
Why are we attracted to places or people with a higher spiritual energetic level ? beneficent energy and which awakens in us the will to be better . Once we feel that energy , our soul will always want it , even if sometimes our mind , which is in an uncontrolled world , always runs . Always , it has been spoken about prayer and its healing powers . There are a lot of places in the world where miracles happen with the help of prayers and faith . An example is the Lourdes city from France , which is one of the biggest places of pilgrimage from the Christian world . Here , millions of people gather each year , both with body sufferings and soul sufferings , to heal . I give it as an example because for some skeptical people Lourdes can become credible because this miracle healings have been accredited by doctors as being miraculous . Also , here is a Medical Office of findings formed of some thousands of doctors of various religions and nationalities . A known and intensely publicized case at that time is the one of Lydia Bross who on 9 th December 1930 was healed of tubercular abscesses after a bath in water from Lourdes while she was praying at Virgin Mary , her prayer being accompanied by a religious ritual sustained by a group of nuns of catholic religion . Thousands of cases have been studied by this doctor council , but only 1200 have been recognized as being miraculous . While the church authorities have recognized only 64 . It is said that a mister named E . Artus from Paris would have offered a prize of 10000 Franks to the one who will prove that only one of this healings is false . This prize has not been taken . And , however , for the skeptical and scientists the healing by prayer is an enigma . But not to forget that the prayer and the healing key exists in us , the merits not being ours , but “ a mercy of God ” as Saint Toma de Aquino said .
Author Florinela Stratu
Because in connection with a divine , beneficent energy we feel fulfilled mentally , full of positive