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Integral Studies Academy has participated at the "Ecology of the XXI'st century" on the 5'th of april 2016 Lorem Ipsums "Ecology of the XXI'st century" is a scientific session organised every year by the Ecological University of Bucharest. This year, the session took place in the Psychology Department and had specific themes: health psychology and psychotherapy, work and social psychology, educational psychology and applied psychology. Intreresting Topics Integral Studies Academy has participated with 3 conferences Integral Medicine The Missing Link Between [Date] Psychology and Medicine In an academic atmosphere, the participants, teachers and students, presented and debated interesting topics, many of them increasing the richness of the proposed themes: Synchronicity versus cause-effect, Education vs indoctrination, The psychology of teeth, Human energy and possibilities of self improvement. Integral Arhcitecture Integral Psychology The Beauty of Thoughts [Date] Spiritual Psychology - the [Date] natural sense of Psychology